You have just moved into your new home and are taking a proper inventory and everything around the property. It’s a big step forward for you and your partner, taking lots of scrimping and saving along the way. It has left you without too much spare cash at your disposal.
Therefore, you are looking to make use, or renovate as much of the stuff left behind by the previous owners as possible, at least in the short term. The carpets should be alright after a good steam clean and like another feature which requires an expert blind repair in Adelaide.
Why blinds?
The blinds, while showing their sign of age and requiring attention from a professional appear just the job. Neither of you have really been fans of curtains, as blinds do the same job in a more practical and adaptable manner.
They offer a modern touch, with better control of the natural outdoor light and only cover the actual window, whereas curtains block off lots of decoration and the rails can leave damage. Light can be directed away or towards you.
Repair and Maintenance
Although blinds are extremely durable, they will occasionally require some expert TLC, especially in instances where they have been left without any real attention for a time. But there is no need to worry, as an expert can soon check for trapped dirt and debris, which should be done at least once yearly to get full value from them.
Outdoor blinds can re-clothed, so that they once again look as good as new, along with awnings. As money is tight in your situation, it is important to save everything you can, and therefore regular maintenance once the initial work has been completed is the best course of action.
The initial work may be limited to the repair of a slat, cord or mechanism, which is considerably more cost effective than throwing them away and purchasing a new set. It is certainly worth asking an expert round to assess.
Perhaps if you find savings elsewhere, you may wish to look to motorise your blinds, which will offer the perfect remote control solution so that the room is perfect for a change in activities or changing sunlight.
To conclude
Before making any decision over what you think might be badly damaged or dirty blinds, contact a friendly and helpful company who could end up saving valuable cash through repairs or maintenance.