When buying a property, most people are limited by things like well, budget. Anyone you speak with who isn’t made of money will tell you that budget is always the biggest consideration or, limitation. Purely because what they can purchase largely depends upon, how much they earn, how much they have saved or cash already in the bank as well as, what the banks are actually prepared to loan them. What if you had control over things like budget and how your property is built, what if you were considering a bespoke home?
Design control
The bespoke home design process allows the homeowner to fully control every aspect of the house, from kitchen dimensions to bedroom locations to the inclusion of unique areas such games rooms, home cinemas and even basketball courts. Whereas pre-designed house plans provide ample room for changes, tailor-made house designs offer the maximum flexibility.
One of a kind
Every bespoke home plan is tailored and personal to you and to your family. You can be certain that the house will suit all of your preferences, custom house plans (known as แบบแปลนบ้านสร้างเอง in Thai) ensure that the house reflects the owner’s personality.
Budget control
Custom house plans allow you to set your own budget – and stick to it – because the homeowner decides on every feature of the house. The personality and values of the family, as well as their needs.
Fewer regrets
Homeowners can ensure the finished house meets their personal standards of functionality, quality, and aesthetic appeal by carefully overseeing every aspect of the custom home design. By the boss in terms of what goes where and how it looks, you can be sure to have fewer regrets than that of someone who simply, buys off the shelf.
Sense of achievement
If you have ever made anything then, you will know exactly how good it can make you feel. Multiply that number buy a much larger one and you might come somewhere close to how designing and watching your bespoke home being built feels.
Owners of existing properties have made comments like, “The whole process was truly magical, being able to see our dreams come to life, go from paper to construction and then from piecing the bits together to, the property becoming our very own self project managed home.
Make a move
Not yet, your home isn’t built yet, however, all you need to do is, to get in touch with a local bespoke home builder and to put the wheels into motion.